Strengthening the department of academics at Eagles HighSchool

The core of any School is the quality and track record of its professional cadre and the manner in which this is synchronised with the administrative functions. The Board has benefited from the experience of the School's first 5 years to make targeted appointments in key areas. In consultation with the School's Advisory Board, the School's administration is now headed by Mwalimu Adam Myombe, as the Headmaster, assisted by Academic master and Mwl. Emmanuel Kirabuko and Discipline and Operation Master Mwl. Julius John; A dedicated Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) department headed by Mwl. John Sengati, Marketing department headed by Mwl. Gadi  L. Kalibwami and The Campus Manager  Mwl. Savio Mwita complete the School’s Top Management Team, supported by Directors. The School has now been rebranded and renamed EAGLES HIGH SCHOOL.

A professional COUNSELOR has been retained for that purpose. In addition, two other new professional teachers have been engaged: The first majors in PHYSICAL EDUCATION and another majoring EXTRA CURRICULLAR ACTIVITIES. They have been hired as RESIDENT PARENTS to focus on the students’ moral and physical welfare as fulltime boarding teachers.

At the INFRASTRUCTURE level, the School has contracted TTCL (under their RUDI NYUMBANI KUMENOGA business model) to install and roll out fibre-optic cabling such that the School now boasts powerful Wi-Fi connectivity at its campus to support its teaching and learning. This includes additional combinations involving Computer Science (Cs) at A-level.

mahafali form IV Eagies 2018 2

Thanks to this Wi-Fi, the School has installed its proprietary SCHOOL INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIS), a web-based school management portal that connects the School to its teachers, students, parents and other stakeholders. With a series of passwords and access rights, the School is now able to communicate seamlessly with its stakeholders as needed in the areas of enrolments; attendance; timetabling; examinations; resident matters; and general news about the School.

The two science laboratories were refurbished, stocked with the necessary equipment’s and consumables. An experienced laboratory technician coordinates the teaching of science subjects and perpetual inventory of lab consumable. The Computer Department has been strengthened with increased LAN connectivity and a number of laptops for academic staff. Accommodation has been provided within the School compound for all senior staff and for the School Nurse.

Eagles High school is offering the following new combinations at Advanced Level:

Science: PCMs; PCBs; PGMs; CBGs; PGEs; CBAs; PMCs, PCsG, CBA 
Business: HGEs; EGMs, AgBE
Languages and Humanities: 


Following these appointments, download the full list of professional cadre at Eagles here.

Gallery: Graduation and inauguration ceremony